The Icon shows Louis and Zelie Martin with their nine children. The five adult daughters are dressed in their religious habits. To the left of Louis and Zelie are Marie and Pauline, who were Carmelite nuns in Lisieux. To their right are Leonie, who was a Visitation nun in Caen, and Celine and Therese who were also Carmelite nuns in Lisieux.
Between Louis and Zelie are Marie Helene (died age 5) and Joseph Jean-Baptiste (died age 8 months). Zelie holds in her arms Marie Melanie-Therese (died 7 weeks) and Joseph Louis (died age 5 months)
The icon was written by written by Paolo Orlando for the parish of Marcallo in the Archdiocese of Milan, Italy. The original can be visited at Chiesa Parrocchiale Santi Nazaro e Celso, Piazza Italy.
The replica icon measures 14cm x 15cm and was produced in Italy under license. It is a lovely gift that would adorn the walls of any home.